Fighting Covid-19 and it’s Variants in 2021
One year and 500,000 USA deaths later, Covid-19 is still wrecking havoc in 2021. My family and I all had the ‘Rona back in March of 2020. When it was easier to get toilet paper than a Covid test. As a result, our numbers are not counted in the tallies. But our antibodies continue to persist in recent bloodwork even though we had the bug 11 months ago.
I had written up a couple of posts back then, before the virus descended upon the RubinRodeo. This was before masks came on the scene, the rally cry was “WASH YOUR HANDS”, well duh! So I wrote a short little piece Beyond Washing Your Hands, which outlined basic strategies for better odds against the novel virus. No anti-vaxer stuff, I’m not an anti-vaxer. Basic tools to build resilience: cut the sugar, get more sleep, make friends with VitaminD, some tonic herbs and mushrooms.

I was planning on writing weekly about pandemic preps. My next post was about pantry prep: onions and stocking up on stock.
And then, one night after dinner, it started. The chills and body aches. By the next morning, hubby had it too.
We heated up soup from the freezer, sliced ginger and put it into tea and got serious about Vitamin D.
We did “the Hammer” on day 3. Figured it couldn’t hurt and it might help. Instead of our normal 5000iu of Vitamin D, we did 50,000 iu for one day. At the time, I had found NIH research that had been done on this hammer concept.
Fast forward to now: the end of February 2021. This plague has taken the lives of a half million Americans. We have one of the highest case to death ratios in the world. You can find all sorts of stats on the Johns Hopkins Corona Resource Center Dashboard.
Despite the hopefulness of vaccinations, which are finally starting to happen, I am putting hope on hold for now. The new variations, the B117 from the UK, the B1351 from South Africa, and the Brazilian variant. Many of these variants are more contagious and make the vaccines less effective.
So perhaps the best tactic, in addition to getting vaccinated if you can, is to build our own personal resilience. This is why I am doubling down on cutting way way back on sugar. This white refined anti-nutrient is proven to be one of the factors that will increase your odds of Covid complications and hospitalization.
You can break up with sugar, if I can do it you can too. Make a plan, set a date to do it, make it a serious intention and tell others of your plan to help with accountability.
In addition to this, get serious about getting your Vitamin D level above 40. Some functional medicine docs will even tell you to get it over 60! Start by getting your D level checked and supplement with a D3-K2 combo and follow up with another check in 90 days.
Bottom line: your best bet is building your resilience. There are no magic shots that will make this mess go away.