Westchester’s Climate Emergency
Our leaders are not listening.
I borrowed many of Greta Thunberg’s words last night as I spoke in front of the Westchester Board of Legislators once again during the 3 minute public comment. My ask of them is a simple one: get up to speed on the climate emergency. Sadly, many of our electeds were busy on cell phones, not paying attention. My local/county county government is not acting in accordance with the magnitude of this problem. They are fiddling while Rome burns. I’ve yet to learn of one Westchester County Legislator who has read the IPCC report, no one has made any public acknowledgement of the crisis we are currently in. Our leaders are not leading. Here is my public comment from last night’s Westchester County Legislator public meeting:
We are sleepwalking into a catastrophe.
Climate change is happening far faster than many scientists thought possible.
Time is running short
The science is clear, urgent action is needed right now.
But have any of you read the IPCC report?
I am referring to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Summary for Policy Makers.
This report is too vital to be delegated to green groups and climate committees.
We elected YOU to represent us.
Not them.
Each one of you need to read the IPCC report.
Each one of you needs to have at least one sleepless night as this information sinks into your bones and your heart.
You need toss and turn as you contemplate how to take meaningful action.
Westchester county must reduce emissions significantly in the 11 years we have left before positive feedback loops kick in, creating irreversible changes.
I am not being overly dramatic by saying this.
As an elected serving the people of Westchester, it is your job to read this report, get up to speed with the science. And base all legislation on the information in this report.
It is time to stop sugarcoating the truth.
We must act in alignment with the threat that we are facing.
It is time to declare a climate and ecological emergency.
We all act differently in an emergency situation.
We must go beyond dimming the lights for an hour and making videos on how to recycle a pizza box.
It is time to relinquish your complacency and denial.
“Business as usual” is no longer an option.
And it starts with each and every one you and and our county executive reading the IPCC report.