Winter Sowing Workshops for 2022
Learn how to grow strong seedlings with very little work.

Winter sowing has been on my radar for a couple of years, but I got serious about it in the early months of 2021. My dog Walter lost the use of his back legs in the summer of 2020 and we were hyper focused on his doggie rehab. In February, I built a rehab track in the backyard with 177 winter sowed jugs. I ended up with way more seedlings than I had ever created in all my years of gardening and was able to share them with nearby school gardens and community gardens.
The seedlings were super strong and hardy because they spent all of their time outside. They sprouted when they were good and ready, I did not hover over them like I normally do with flats of seedlings. By April of 2021, I became a full blown winter sowing evangelist!
I now know that my dog will probably never walk again, so I am focused on building a home based business so that I can be home with Wally most of the time. PS: You can follow his daily adventures on Instagram, his account is WallyRu22, despite being paraplegic he is in good health and good spirits.

My work will change with the seasons in 2022. It will start with Winter Sowing Workshops to help empower others to start more seedlings for their own gardens and for veggie garden projects in their communities. We need to get more food growing close to home, ASAP. Due to the escalating ecological emergency, we must build a more resilient world before the current one collapses.
Winter Sowing is a great way to get started growing healthy food and herbs. Its easy and fun for all ages. Here are links to workshops that I am facilitating in January 2022. If you’d like to host a workshop, contact me at and we can set one up.